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Zahana - Rural Participatory Development in Madagascar


Images of Fiadanana from October 2007

The village of Fiadanana has changed tremendously since 2005. Based on the training from a medical doctor specialized in infections transmitted by insects, many of the villagers have finished their houses with white adobe. Adobe finish closes the cracks that host insects and bugs and metal sheets nailed on the corner of the houses keep the rats out.

The seven communal water faucets all over the village (click here for photos) provide clean and save drinking water to all. This water can also be used to make the adobe paste or water small vegetable plots next to the village.

The first image is from October 2005 (more 2005 Photos):

village 2005


Photos from October 2007:

Village 2007

Painted houses in Faidanana

Village overview

Village overview 2007

the village in the evening

A day in Faidanana at dawn

village at dusk

village with hedge



Green water faucet and house

One of the green water faucets in the village (more photos here)

Houses with people washing

Washing their laundry next to one of the communal water faucets





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