Awarding the reforestation efforts, planting the most trees
As the Minister of Health she attended the groundbreaking (more) of the Healthcare Center in the village of Fidanana and laid the first stones of its foundation, she took the time and honored our reforestation efforts. She gave awards to the first 3 people who most successfully planted trees.
It is difficult to put into words what it means for a villager, what is the whole days walk from the next town, to receive an award certificate from the hand of the Minister of Health.
Bary, Zahana’s gardener, who planted the most trees in the village of Fiadanana gets an award from the Minster of Health. (photos below)
The students of our school in Faidanana won second place for planting the most trees. They planted a small forest on the slope behind their school with the guidance of Zahana’s gardener Bary. The community decided that their efforts as a group count as if it would be a person. The students planted and watered the second largest amount of trees after Bary, our gardener and well deserve this award and the recognition. In the photo a man representing the parents and the students accepts the reward for the school from the Minister of Health.
Zahana’s teacher at the time, was the third in planting the most trees.
After breakfast in the village the visiting party went to Zahana’s second village Fiarenana. In Fiarenana the guest from far away were received by the entire community. The Minister of Health gave a speech. And she gave awards for the people planted the most trees.
Maurice, the man who planted the most trees in Fiarenana got the award first. As you can see in the photos, solar cookers are part of the awards for the people who planted the most trees.
The second person honored was David, followed by the third-place, which was awarded to the only woman in the group. (But it is important to point out that there are as many girls in school as there are boys).
Here is a break down of the awards:
Activities done in both villages: the 3 first three individuals that planted the most trees in each village got a reward:
- 1st got a solar cooker, a wall clock, a t-shirts, a lavalava and a cap
- 2nd got a wall clock, a t-shirts, a lavalava
- 3rd wall clock and a lavalava
Both, Zahana’s gardeners and teachers were awarded got one pack of t-shirt, a cap, a lavalava and a clock.
All of Zahana’s students were presented with a t-shirts.
The village of Fiarenana that has two women’s soccer clubs. Thye got soccer uniforms and soccer balls each.