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The new school garden in Fiarenana

school garden, Fiarenana, MadagascaragascarJean our gardener with an amazing green thumb has expanded his activities. Besides continuing to grow trees saplings for the entire community, he is now actively involved in the school curriculum, teaching the children to plant vegetables, such as zucchini, tomatoes and carrots.

The vegetable beds were dug by a group of parents right after the official school opening in March (see that report for details) and the children have been planting and tending to the vegetables ever since. The only well (dug by Zahana), that has water all year round in the village is next to the school. The proximity to water makes it possible for the children to water their plants daily.


school garden in Fiarenana Madagascarplanting in the schoolgarden in Fairenana Madagascar

The teacher with his students in the school garden in Madagascar the school sourrounded by gardens in Fiadanana, Madagascar