Rooted in Zahana’s participatory development approach the community decided which project to tackle first for the village of Fiarenena. The community decided, since this well represents their history and tradition they would rather improve it that digging a new one in a different location.
Photo of the old well
in Fairenana befoe the rebuilding
Zahana hired the same water expert that built the water system for Fiadanana. After his inspected the old well it was decided instead of reinforcing it to take the old structure down and rebuilt it at the same place. Zahana asked him again to live for a month in the village and teach the villagers on how rebuilt and maintain it.
Rebuilding the well from the ground up
During Zahana’s last site visit in April 2009 the villages started rebuilding the well and the water engineer stayed on, since the well needs to settle and the water to clear out before the work is truly completed.
This well is fed by three natural springs. In keeping with Zahana’s participatory approach the villagers provided all locally available materials, such as the stones and sand and their labor. Zahana provided the cement, the water filter and the new faucets that required to be bought in town and transported to the village.
The villagers provided all locally available materials, such as the stones and sand and their labor
Laying the foundation for a totally rebuilt communal well
Although it is located outside the village, in a valley where the natural springs are the new stairs make access much easier.The new water container, replacing the old well, It has a capacity of 1700 liters (450 gallons). The new container is closed and therefore not exposed to debris and dirt, since the water is accessed thought the faucets. This is a vast improvement over the old bucket on a rope system that was in use when the village first contacted Zahana.
Old, unimproved communal well in Fiarenana
Old, unimproved communal well in Fiarenana
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