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Building the first school (2006)



Communal Tree Planting in Fiadanana on December 23, 2012

On December 23, in conjunction with a site visit by Zahana for the Christmas celebration in our schools, both communities set out for a day long planting of a community forest. Planting a new forest in MadagascarThe Zahana gardeners had been growing seedlings for this event for the past few months, and from the youngest to the oldest everybody participated. With seedlings a tools in hand they walk out to the designated area and planted. The pictures from Fiadanana tell the rest. Pictures from Fiadanana.







Off to plant trees in the communal forest


The entire community comes together to plant their new forest

Zahana community forest in Madagascar

The entire community comes together to plant their new forest

Community forst planted in MAdagascara -

The entire community comes together to plant their new forest in Madagascar

The entire community comes together to plant their new forest in Madagascar

The entire community comes together to plant their new forest in Madagascar

The entire community comes together to plant their new forest in Madagascar