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SehnSUCHT: Zahana in a German TV documantary!

Der Text auf Deutsch

Our work in Madagascar with Zahana was on German TV on May 17, 2012! Zahana features in program in SehnSUCHT on the German cultural channel 3Sat. As protagonist, Markus Faigle with his work with Zahana was representing the ‘craving’ for social justice - some 11 minutes into the movie.

As it is produced for German TV the movies is available in German only. It has been streaming already for the past few days before it’s official airtime on Thur. May 17th.

A short English background:

The title SehnSUCHT, is a word-play, is not easily translatable. In English it translates to ‘desire’, ‘longing’, ‘yearning’, or better ‘craving’. ‘Craving’ comes the closest in this context, since the part “sucht” of the good old German-compound-word, in all caps in this title, means ‘addiction’. The voiceover commentary of this documentary plays with the philosophical concept of ‘craving with desire for the unobtainable’. Yeah, Germans love those deep, deep thoughts…

The other three protagonists represent very different aspects of their interpretation of craving. One is “craving for a child” attempting to get pregnant, one ‘craving for normalcy’ after her husband became a heroin user (and dies of an overdose later), two teens are ‘craving for a perfect boyfriend’ represented by Edward from the twilight saga.

May 17, 2012 at 19.30h (7:30 PM) on 3SAT
Or streaming:

Germany 2012, 45 Minutes
Produced and directed by: Wilma Pradetto, Eberhard Rühle
Camera: André Zschocke, Eike Zuleeg
Editor: Thomas Wellmann
Music: Nils Kacirek