Getting Ready for the 23/24 School Year
The total number of students for this 2023 school year: 160. With 50 in Fiarenana and 110 in Fiadanana.
In Fiarenana, under the leadership of our young energetic teacher Juliet, we have exciting developments. The community is waking up.
For school commencement 2023/24 they community of parents in Fiarenana came together to:
- Repair of the windows and doors of their Fiarenana school. Supported financially by Zahana for the material, the labor was provided by the parents of the students.
- Repairing the roof and paving the floor of the school bathroom.
- Repairing the roof of the ‘chalet’, the structure in the school yard, used for shelter from the sun during recreation hours and as a meeting place after hours.
- Repainting the interior of the classrooms with white clay
- Upgrading the knowledge of the student’s parents on the manufacturing of improved stoves and bio charcoal, either for domestic use or for sale for profit. The use of improved cookstoves at home is a pre-condition for parents as of the 2023/24 school year, as decided in the last community parents meeting.
- Election of the board members for the parents’ association.
At the end of their first meeting, it was decided to proceed with growing cassava and beans for the students' school soup. In addition, this parent?s association will raise a pig, with assistance from our micro credit. The profit from the pig will be used to finance the making of t-shirts for the celebration of 15th anniversary of our school. The celebration is planned for May 2024.
Big dreams: The students of our schools, have never been to the seaside or seen the ocean, despite the fact that our country is an island. They wish to see the ocean at least once in their lives. So Zahana is seeing how to achieve the dream of these children.