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Jean - Zahana's Master Gardener is passing on the baton

Jean was Zahana’s first Gardner. Way back in 2008.

Jean Zahana's master gardner in his tree nursery

We had just started working with our second village: Fiarenana. Jean had been trained in gardening by an NGO that had stopped working in his village years earlier. He approached us with the proposal to put his knowledge to good use and work for us. The fruit trees, many not common in the region, growing in his village, were almost all planted by him. The brand new position of a Zahana gardener was created. The rest is history. (See website).

Jean’s role and contribution to Zahana is amazing. We are very grateful for his ideas and green thumb. Without Jean there would be no reforestation projects. Or Bary, our second gardener in Fiadanana, who he trained. Or Mamy, our third gardener who was trained by Bary.

During the pandemic in 2020 Jean informed us that he was ready to retire, and suggested his grandson as his successor. He had said jokingly: “it is much easier for me if it is my grandson, because I can tell him what to do”. Jean promised to stay on for quite a while to train him side by side. After a good year this training period is coming to a close and Prosper, his grandson is ready to take over after about 14 years of Jean the master gardener.

The grandson of master gardner Jean

With the start of 2022 will have a young, strong new gardener in Fiarenana, who in case of doubt can always ask grandpa for advice.

Jean's nursery in Fiarenana in Madagascar