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Zahana needs you ongoing support to make our work in Madagascar a reality

Thank you for visiting our 'Donate' page. we know that during the pandemic of 2020/21 you get many requests for for support and we are grateful you are considering Zahana.

Thanks to the ongoing donations from individual donors, Zahana’s work in Madagascar is successful. It is people like you that make our work possible.

GlobalGiving is the easiest way to support Zahana online with a few clicks.

4 Active Projects with GlobalGiving

Improved cookstoves prevent deforestation

Planting 15,000 trees in Madagascar

A community school for all (children) in Fiarenana

A dedicated micro credit fund for rural Madagascar

Thank you from Zahana in Madagascar

All donations to Zahana in the USA are tax-deductible

Please consider giving generously.


Please donate on-line via our active projects with GlobalGiving

More about GlobalGiving


3 easy steps to donate with a good old check in the postal mail:

1) Write a check made out to: "Tides Foundation"
     plus (this is important): "Zahana Fund" in the memo section

2) Mail your check to:  (December 2021: YES, we still do use this mailbox for Zahana donations) 
     Project Zahana
     Box 62223
     Honolulu HI 96839

3) Get a tax deduction
Please contact us under: info(at)zahana.org if you have any questions.

NEW: Donating to Zahana in Canada:

If you want to make a tax-deductible donation in Canada please contact us ahead of time. This is possible via the Tides Canada office, but we need some time to process the necessary paperwork for each transaction on a case to case basis.

More details:

A End-of-the-Year tax note for 2022 (Sorry, this applies for US taxes only):

Checks mailed to us in Hawai‘i must be postmarked by December 31, 2022 to count for the 2022 tax year’s deduction. In case we receive your check in the last minute, we will forward your check and your postmarked envelope to the Tides Foundation, as instructed by our project manager at Tides. This is sufficient proof for the IRS to make it for the tax deduction in the 2022 tax year.

Why write a check for Zahana to the Tides Foundation?

Zahana in Madagascar is included in the Global Support Fund at the Tides Foundation. All checks must be made out to ‘Tides Foundation’, because the Tides Foundation is the fiscal agent that makes tax-deductible donations to Zahana possible.

Please make sure you make your check payable to: “Tides Foundationand in the memo section of your check write: “Zahana Fund”, to ensure it gets into our account.

Send it in by mail: - yes we do use this mailbox Zahana is officially listed! -
Project Zahana
Box 62223
Honolulu HI 96839

Children of Fiadanana in Madagascar wavingMore background on how this works

Our participatory development effort will only be possible if we are able to raise the funds necessary for Zahana outside of Madagascar. Zahana therefore depends on the generosity of people like you willing to help.

A tax-deductible donation is possible in the USA, thanks to the Tides Foundation in San Francisco (www.tides.org). Zahana is included in the Tides Foundation’s Global Support Fund Global Support Fund Program. The recipients of the Global Support Fund are not listed on the Tides Foundation web site, so if you want to find out more details please email us.

If you want to support us with your a tax-deductible donation (for income tax paid in the in the USA): All checks must be made out to ‘Tides Foundation’ with ‘Zahana Fund’ in the memo section of your check.

If you want to make tax-deductibe

Donations over US$250 can be mailed to the Tides Foundation directly and will be acknowledged with a tax-deductible receipt by them. The Tides Foundation’s system is not set up to acknowledge smaller contributions than US$250 in writing, since this is not required by the IRS (for information why click here).The mailing address is:

Tides Foundation
P.O. Box 889389
Los Angeles, CA 90088-9389

To cut down on operating expenses for the Tides Foundation, we made an arrangement with them that smaller checks can be sent to the Zahana Project’s mailing address in Hawai‘i first. We will collect and acknowledge your checks with a letter and mail them in bulk to the Tides Foundation to be deposited. Please make sure all checks are made out to ‘Tides Foundation’ with ‘Zahana Fund’ in the memo section, regardless wich address you use. Please mail the checks to:

Project Zahana
Box 62223
Honolulu HI 96839

Please note: If you send your check to the Tides Foundation directly we will not be able to acknowledge your check from our end, because we have to wait until the financial statement is available to lean about your donation, which can take a few weeks. Please contact us if you have any questions.

We are currently not able to provide tax-deductibility for donations from other countries than the USA. If you have any ideas and leads, please let us know and we will gladly work something out with you.


Please contact us under: info(at)zahana.org or the link provided to the left of this page.